Fact Sheet

Release Date: 📆 December 9th

Platforms: 💻 PC, Mac, and Linux: Steam + Itch.io 🎮 Console: TBA

Price: Free

Developer: DEADline Studios Location: Washington, US Publisher: Self-Published

🔗 Links


Social Media Pages + Other Projects

📧 Contact: [email protected]

About the Game

TOY BOX is a pull-apart puzzle visual novel whose fragments stitch the story together.

Greetings to our newest toy inspector!

Today is your first day of work here at the Toy Maker’s TOY BOX. At the end of their shelf life, it’s up to clever inspectors like you to decide which of the Maker’s creations are worth salvaging.

Pull apart stitches or rip off an arm or two; we support whatever you must do to ensure that you only save toys of the highest quality. Should you ever feel unsure, there’s no need to panic! Simply toss the trash where it belongs: the incinerator. After all, it’s of the utmost importance that inspectors upkeep the Maker’s image.

We look forward to your hard work here at the TOY BOX and congratulations – only the most special candidates have the honor of inspecting on behalf of the Maker!



TOY BOX contains mature themes and is intended for an older audience. Player discretion is advised.

Visual and Written Depictions: Blood, Body Horror, Gore, Death, Unreality, Pseudo-Jump scares, Motion Sickness, Flashing Lights, Religious Themes, Swearing, etc.

About the Developer

DEADline Studios is the passion project of ambitious neophytes seeking to shake up industry norms. As a small POC and Queer-owned studio, our humble ant colony seeks to relay stories about just what it means to be human and dive deeper into the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

DEADline Studios is a multimedia creative hub that aims to reimagine the limits of speculative fiction. Through twisted tales, we invite you step beyond your comforts and lend an ear to the abnormalities that rest within all of humankind.



sc - main menu.png

sc - convo.png

sc - gtm.png

sc - salvage.png

sc - shadow.png

sc - blueprint.png


white logo.png

toy box logo_cracked black.png

Key Art

release artsam.png

main public.png

banner 2.png



Writing Team:

Music Team:

Minigame Concepts

Art + Design Team:
